It happened 60 secs before we got there, and another car with two older folks stopped on the other side of the road to help as well.
A shaken and teary, but otherwise okay young lass had just crawled out of the now compressed passenger cabin area and was being consoled by the couple (who were also phoning for police attendance).
I had a good look inside the car, and asked the girl if anyone else or any pets were still in the vehicle. No.
I then had to direct traffic as the road was wet and greasy, and cars were making a meal of getting by the scene safely.
Another car pulled up and a young fella asked if he could help, so I asked him if he was able to (without risk) turn off the overturned car's ignition - he couldn't.
I approached the girl one last time to check for shock, and offered my phone if she needed to contact family etc.
I told her to make sure she gets a 'facebook status' pic when her phone turns up.
My empathy for the girl would take a nasty turn if I found out she was texting etc which caused these events. We were the next car along and could have had a head-on if timing was only a minute different. I never found out. I give the benefit of the doubt as the (straight) road was greasy and it was raining.
The driver was very brave and helpful in answering questions - waaay too much trauma usually for a girl of her age to have to deal with. Kudos to her.

Cheers, Diesel
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